Friday, November 28, 2008

Enter the New

Enter the New has undergone a change. Reason being, because many found self-inquiry to be too abstract. Many were disturbed by this idea of freedom "from." Though certain people had glimpses, they still remained separate. There was still an attachment to the belief "I am me." It didn't matter that I, apart from being one letter, couldn't be found. It didn't matter that a thinker couldn't be found. It didn't matter that when no thoughts were present nothing remained to say what I am." It didn't matter that there was no tangible self to reference. It didn't matter that this elusive I showed up to claim activities only after the activities had taken place It didn't matter that no objective mind could be found in addition to thinking. It didn't matter that there was never a time when there wasn't awareness. It didn't matter that everything, even sleep, could be noticed. It didn't help to say you are part of the illusion, or that nobody's home or that there is nothing in it for the ego. It didn't help to say that I is just an idea or to speak of this moment free of content, or to speak of objects appearing and disappearing in space. For many, none of these things helped long-term.

Pointing facilitated an experience of no I, or no mind, but as an experience, it was short lived. Things seemed to always return to business as usual, and nothing remained of the former peace. I couldn't understand it. Why were so many having a glimpse and losing it? Why were they not able to see or understand that Awareness was never gained and never lost, that this peace always, always is, that there is always something undisturbed about us. People seemed to be confused, conflicted, desperate, frustrated and hurt.

Seeing this, made me want to investigate deeper. What were people really after? What were they searching for? What did they want? Did they want to be free of a separate self, free of choice, free of I and my, the person and relationship? My guess is no. They didn't want to not be. They weren't thrilled with the idea of being the space that contains each moment. They wanted something else. They were seeking something else. If I had to articulate it, I would say, theirs was a wish for a better "me."

I am not in the business of granting this wish, but I will say that because of needs not being addressed, Enter the New has undergone change. To sum it up as to what's new about the Enter the New Gatherings, It is this - The emphasis is no longer on what isn't here but what is.

1 comment:

David Eastman said...

Kevin --

My perspective is that we are each Absolute Nothing and/or All and Everything depending upon whether we want to travel via negativa or the path of the positive. I think you're right on in noticing that most people find the path of the positive more palatable. When most seekers "see," or understand, the space of which you speak, they say "OK, I'm nothing, but I still want to be the best nothing I can be!"
