Friday, January 16, 2009

The Difference

Love is all there is, and only I am love are very different indeed. This is the problem. Some have had an awakening, but the mind still creates enemies, because it doesn't really see that there are no enemies, that there is only this empty-full presence or Love. When you see past the appearances, everything is Love. Everyone is Love. Everything is Love, Every thought and feeling is Love. Even hateful thoughts are Love. That's the shocker. Even thoughts of judgment, criticism, anger, impatience, dislike, distrust etc. All of it is Love.

When you see this, you don't have to fall for appearances any more. You don't have to fight with these undesirables. You can let them be. You can sense the Love that they truly are. As this empty-full Presence, you can be with them and welcome them back. Or you can say, "You're not fooling me. I see that you are really Love in Disguise. Welcome friend."

The claim, "Love is all there is" and "Only I am love" are very different indeed. One creates a separation, even an animosity against things, thoughts, feelings and others. The other sees no difference. The other sees only itself. The empty-full Presence looks and sees only the Love that composes all.

If you are still against things, thoughts feelings or others, if you are still in inner conflict, you are only half awake. You have realized Presence, but the mind is still protecting you from the surprising and destabilizing truth that this empty-full Presence, or Love is all there is.

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