Thursday, January 15, 2009

No Reason to Leave

If you look deeply, you find that there is no reason to leave the mind, or thought, the body or the world, because, strictly speaking, there is no mind, or body or world, and never has been. There was, is and always will be only That. Some call it Emptiness. Some call it Silence, Some call it Consciousness or Truth. I am calling it Love.

The invitation to awaken, depending on the method, excludes, for a time, these false identities (because one identifies with them solely), but not their realities, (and this is an important distinction). This is done so that one can experience what remains. Then, everything that was excluded in terms of the "realities," the world, the mind, the other etc. is re-included, because Oneness does not admit of distinctions.

In my experience, one cannot experience the empty-full Presence, or Love, without some kind of investigation. Neti Neti is one kind of investigation. Self-inquiry is another. Being present, which is perhaps less divisive, is a third. These bring the realization of what is unchanging ie. the sense of Amness, of Being, of Awareness etc.. What is missed, however, by the majority, is that the changing reality is Oneness, as well. Oneness or Love includes everything. It has not rejected anything. The ego has, particularly, the spiritual ego. Oneness does not even reject the ego.

The truth is: nothing needs to be rejected. Everything appearing as "dual" is the "non dual" pretending. This is why it is referred to as the play of consciousness. It is because, everything is this Love, this Being, this Presence. Everything is this Love, even the mind, the world, the "other," and "you." There is no need to go anywhere or transcend anything. The invitation is to see this and rest.

This is what I mean by awakening is the fist step. What I mean is this: There are many who have realized Presence, but they have not realized that there is nothing that is not this Presence. Otherwise, they could stop fighting, resisting etc.. They could finally rest. After all, what sense does it make trying to transcend a mind or leave a world that, strictly speaking, doesn't exist. What sense does it make to do battle with a mind, which is itself Oneness? There is no need to transcend anything, just see that nothing exists but this empty-full Presence manifesting as the many, or as I have said, that "Love is all there is."

1 comment:

Psiplex said...

Very well said. That is such a powerful point you bring about that the Truth (consciousness, Love, Being, etc,) is all there is after realizing presence. Very clear.

Big respect and One Love Prakesh!