Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Who You Are

What do I want? What do I believe? Who am I? These are probing and important questions if we are ever going to realize more than ultimate truth. There is within us an individual blueprint, a homing device that leads to happiness and fulfillment. For the Buddha it was to be the Buddha, for Christ it was to be Christ. But for you, it is different. You have a unique path.

It's great to return to innocence. It is great to be like an infant before it can smile, but life demands more of you. It demands that you find out who you are, not just that you are, or that you are Existence itself. This Existence wants to express. It is not in competition with you. It wants to express as you. You are unique in what you bring to the world.

It is no great accomplishment to collapse all into oneness, to fall out of existence as an individual. It is no great accomplishment to fall into silence and never find your voice, your expression. Resting is the beginning, not the end. Wake up, and more awaits you. What awaits you is the life- long journey of being who you are.

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