Saturday, September 20, 2008

God is the Only Truth

We are so careful not to put words to things and perhaps for good reason, but awakening is not simply being unknowledgeable. There is an understanding that underlies awakened living, that understanding is that name and form hide reality, and the only truth is God: not me and God, not me as God, it's more like God as me. The name and form don't just hide reality, they hide True reality, the Greater Reality. They hide the Absolute.

The Truth is that God is the only Truth, manifesting as all of this. Without God, Without this Love, nothing would be at all. All of the manifested world, including the ego, has dependent existence. Anything that is born and dies, anything created has dependent existence. The only reality with independent existence is the source of all. All may be the expression of Being, but without Being nothing is. Nothing would exist at all.

It is almost common place to speak of true nature, your true nature, my true nature. True nature has independent existence, but not this you and me. Make no mistake. Both are concepts. It is far more accurate to say that True Nature possesses you, True Nature possesses me than to say, we possess it. It can't be possessed, not by you, not by me. This idea that God or Truth can be possessed is just foolish.

Reality can't be possessed, especially not by one with dependent existence. This is the arrogance or believing that you can possess Truth. It is not yours and never will be. It will never be a thing to be possessed. You are claiming to possess what can only possess you. You can't have it. You can only be it. Seeking to possess what can only possess you, you fail time and again.

1 comment:

Martin said...


I have read this blog posting over and over and each time the me that reads it gets a little lighter - a little more non-existent. I realize that this post is one of the first that you ever made, but I keep coming back to it as it seems most appropriate for my life as it is in its current "story." I experienced a glimpse of oneness a long time ago and have been on a spiritual search ever since. I recently became a Catholic - relying on its authority to perhaps lead me to truth - but I'm struggling with that because with each passing day I sense that I am deceiving myself into believing that I am a separate being in need of salvation. Any comments?