Thursday, September 18, 2008

*There Never Was An Ego*

There are many spiritual teachings that seem to advocate passivity. There are many teachings that seem to be saying, go with the flow. This is neither. It is not a counsel to change anything, nor is it an invitation to accept what is. This is the way the ego hears everything. When I gets into it, the question is always, "What can I do to make it so?"

What is being suggested here is altogether different. What is suggested here is that everything can be done without the sense, or burden, that comes if you were doing it. Ask, "How can I know this or see it?", and the point is missed.

What is being hinted at is not in the realm of personal experience, personal practice or the personal achievement of any state. All of these involve the individual. What is suggested is action being done without the sense of doership, that ordinarily accompanies action - action being done without belief in I. That is the rest.

What is being pointed to is the end of "two". It is the end of me versus you, us versus them. It is the end of God and me, Life and me, Existence and me. It is end of the inner dialogue: "I did", "I didn't", "I should", "I shouldn't", "I can", "I can't", "I will", "I won't" etc., not as a personal discipline but from a greater discovery, the discovery that contrary to how it seemed in retrospect, that you never did anything.

The invitation offered here is not an invitation to accept or reject that fact. It is not an invitation to agree or disagree. It is not an invitation to meditate, to be present or become more aware or effective in your daily life.

What is being suggested here is absolutely radical. It is the outrageous invitation to see that the Universe, God, Awareness etc., since the beginning of time, has conspired to perform every one of your so called "individual actions." It is the absolute seeing through of the delusion "me".

What we are talking about is not a state. It is not an achievement or shift in personal perception. It is not so insignificant as maintaining a state in which no thoughts arise, nor is it an effort to detach or become more present. All effort strengthens this idea "I am doing." This is not about doing anything, and it's not about not doing anything.

What is offered here is simply an opportunity to see through the lie of I, and live life free from belief in this idea. What we are talking about is a shocking and shattering discovery. It is the discovery of life as it's always been, without "me." This means, you're not there to act nor to stop action from arising.

How can the direct seeing that there's no "I", no ego, no individual, be a personal achievement? What we are talking about is seeing that there never was an ego and all the implications that, that realization carries.

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