Friday, September 5, 2008

It's Beyond You're Control

Realizing that there isn't a separate self, and that everything is spontaneously happening is the end of second guessing. It's the end of anxiety: "Did I make the right choice?" "I could have this, I could have that." It's the end of personal success and failure. It's the beginning of Life living itself. How else can surrender happen unless it is seen that Life is in control? It is in control of actions, thoughts, feelings, sensations, even moments of silence, so called seeings and a ha moments.

How can one take credit for intuition, inspiration or anything at all. The very idea of taking credit is insane. Ideas come out of thin air, and something want's to take credit. Actions follow the ideas that come out of thin air, and someone wants to take credit. "That was my idea." or "I did that." is how it usually goes. Ask, "whose idea?" And the response is, "mine of course." "Who are you talking about?

If there is an investigation, there can be a noticing of this dynamic and a questioning of these assumptions, but that also you cannot take credit for. It is not in your control, and yet upon reading this, the idea to investigate may arise, and this idea may lead to a seeing. So be it. If that's the way Life moves, then that is the way it moves. All that can be said is,"The wind blows where it will. From whence it comes and whence it goes nobody knows." The same could be said for thoughts, feelings, actions, and anything else that appears and disappears.

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