Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Discovering the Being in Human Being

Waking up to who you are is realizing what being human really is. It is discovering the "being" part in human being, the truth that you have no reference point. You are beyond time, beyond anything perceivable or conceivable. Realizing this, you discover who you actually are. You see what is actually here, what is actually occurring. Choicelessly, you are every reference point, exploring yourself: as the mind, the body, the world, as others, as life and as the Mystery. This is enlightenment.

In the beginning, you recognize your presence in thought. The mind becomes a focal point, then, the body. If you are fortunate to meet one who has awakened and to have awakened yourself, you now have a third reference point. This is the beginning of the spiritual ego, an almost undetectable form of arrogance. You’ve seen what you are, but you haven’t understood what you saw. It was not a third reference point, but no reference point. The fact that there is no reference point allows you to enjoy all reference points, simultaneously.

The previous preoccupation with the mind was because, to know yourself, you had no other reference point. Realizing you are That, you now know yourself as That. Knowing yourself as That, as the Disembodied, allows you to meet yourself in all bodies. That’s the trade off. You lose your fixed identity and become fluid. Not just the body and mind, you are now the neighbor, the world, and all of creation. Having no reference point, you are nothing, everything and beyond everything.

This happens, not by effort but by insight. The ego is dethroned, not by effort but by insight. You realize you are not the ego, and your identity becomes the Disembodied. If the identity is not firmly rooted in That, there will be confusion and suffering in the form of doubt. If the identity is fixed, having a reference point, and not fluid, with no reference point, one gets stuck, either in object- consciousness or Emptiness. If it is Emptiness, one misses the point of human life.

Even before birth, we begin to innocently explore ourselves in other reference points. If prevented from doing so, fixation develops. This fixation is the Divine’s determination to know Itself. That’s all that’s ever happening. The innocent attempts of the Mystery to know Itself are judged, condemned and prevented. If we are not natural, or naturally enlightened, this is the reason why. We have not been allowed to explore our totality. Having no other reference points, we were limited to the mind.

Even the body was left unexplored. The body and what connects it to every body was left unexplored. As a result, we identified with the person instead of the Presence and with the ego instead of with God.

The Timeless has no reference point. You are That! The relative is none other than the Absolute in time.

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