Friday, April 24, 2009


If I knew of any other word, I would use it, Satsang is simply an invitation to look, see, and discover grace. It is an invitation to realize that the thinking consciousness is not the same as the witnessing consciousness. Why is this such a great discovery? Because one is the mind, and the other is beyond it. One is in time; the other is beyond it. To realize that you are beyond the mind, beyond "I", beyond ego, beyond the body and the world is the awakening. It is freedom.

Satsang is just this; nothing else. It is not a platform for teaching, a place for learning, or a workshop for finding solutions to personal problems like: "What can I do to improve my life, my career, or my relationships?" There is absolutely nothing in satsang for the ego.

The "miracle" which happens is of a different nature, and is two-fold. First, there is the discovery of unconditioned, always free consciousness, second, there is clarity as regards the cause of suffering. In other words, there is profound seeing that preferring or referencing the thinking consciousness results in heavy-headedness, not light-heartedness.

The fundamental mistake is that the thinking consciousness, and not the witnessing consciousness has been labeled "I" and taken as one's true identity. This error is undone in satsang. And, that is all.

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